Polish School

Poszukujemy dodatkowego nauczyciela języka polskiego dla dzieci i dorosłych! Zajęcia w sobotę rano w szkole lub w tygodniu wieczorem online.

Zgłoszenia oraz pytania prosimy kierować do Dyrektora Szkoły Mileny Dickens na adres: polishschool@polishhome.org lub telefonicznie 206 775 5039 Więcej informacji na temat szkoły – dostępne tutaj

The Juliusz Słowacki Polish School is located in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood in the historic Polish Home building. Our students are children from Polish and “mixed” families, as well as English-speaking adults. Under the guidance of dedicated, experienced teachers they learn to read, write and speak Polish. They also learn about Polish history, traditions and culture. The classes are taught in a pleasant atmosphere, but with a serious approach to the material.

We welcome everyone who wishes to learn Polish in Seattle.

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